Have it Done Yesterday
- Author: Wilborne Poole
- Date Submitted: Aug 1, 2023
- Category: Heart & Vascular

“I couldn’t believe how good I felt after the procedure. It was unbelievable.”
Wilborn Poole didn’t know how bad his diseased aortic valve was, until after the TAVR procedure. As someone who spends a lot of time outside and working on projects, the fatigue or shortness of breath that most patients encounter in his condition happened so slow over time, that he didn’t realize his quality of life had deteriorated.
Support from the experts
Before any procedure it’s normal to have some apprehension, but Carol Poole, Wilborn’s wife, describes asking God for a sign that this procedure was the correct decision. The night before his scheduled procedure, a story on the local news brought a blanket of comfort. The TAVR team at Memorial was among the top recognized in the nation by the American College of Cardiology. This affirmation of the level of expert care was the comfort Carol needed to be by Wilborn’s side the next day.
Back on the tractor
With the assistance from the TAVR team, his recovery was quick. Soon after the procedure, Wilborn couldn’t stay off his tractor.
Now he’s back to doing what he loves—spending time with neighbors, getting ready for his summer garden with a renewed energy. He credits his care team with giving him a new lease on life and being there every step of the way.