I've been given a second chance
- Author: Chad Babin
- Date Submitted: Feb 10, 2025
- Category: Heart & Vascular

“I've been given a second chance -- and I'm committed to making the most of it.”
Chad Babin’s journey to recovery after a heart attack
On April 16, 2024, Chad Babin began his day like any other. He woke up at 4 a.m., made coffee, took a moment for reading and reflection, and headed off to the gym for a 5 a.m. workout. He walked into the gym, greeted several friends and headed into an empty aerobics room, where he sat on the rowing machine and began his workout. That was the last thing he remembered before waking up in the intensive care unit later that day.
A short time after beginning his workout, Chad’s friends found him lying on the ground with no pulse and immediately began chest compressions. The friends’ efforts, along with an automated external defibrillator (AED) in the gym, kept Chad alive until EMS and his wife, Candi, could arrive to transport him to the hospital. It was there he learned he had two blockages in his heart and would require open heart surgery—hopefully sooner, rather than later.
Chad was a healthy 44-year-old with an active lifestyle. Although heart disease ran in his family, he had little reason to believe that anything like this would happen to him. Apart from occasional shortness of breath, Chad assumed his heart health was nothing to worry about.
Exploring his options
Once he was home from the hospital with his family and reassured by the presence of a cardiac LifeVest, as a temporary safeguard against another heart attack, Chad and Candi began exploring permanent treatment options for Chad’s heart.
“We were talking about getting an opinion from a surgeon in Houston when we got a text to go see Dr. Lugo at Memorial,” Chad recalls.
Determined to explore all options, Chad consulted with Gregory Lugo, MD, at Lake Charles Memorial Hospital. During their first meeting, Dr. Lugo immediately recognized the urgency of his condition. With clear communication, Dr. Lugo explained that a surgery was not only necessary but needed to happen as soon as possible.
Just three days later, Dr. Lugo performed a lifesaving double bypass surgery. His straightforward approach and expertise gave both Chad and Candi confidence and peace of mind, reassuring them that he was exactly the right surgeon for this critical procedure. Dr. Lugo’s ability to instill trust put them at ease and was invaluable as they moved forward with such a significant operation.
Finding support in community
The Babins are originally from the Lafayette area and have been deeply moved by the incredible sense of community they’ve found here—both at Lake Charles Memorial Hospital and among friends.
“The outreach we received was well over 200 different individuals sharing words of support, bringing food, cutting our grass and letting us know we weren’t alone in this,” the Babins say. “And we have only been here for five years.”
From the physicians and nurses to the housekeeping team, Chad felt he was truly in caring hands, surrounded by people who went above and beyond to personalize his care and recovery. At the start of 2024, Chad’s business goals for the year focused on gratitude, aiming to appreciate life’s blessings, unaware of what was coming his way a few months later. Little did he know just how soon he would need that focus. Today, he, Candi and their three children are profoundly thankful.
Reflecting on this journey, Chad says: “The money I leave on Earth when I die will compound interest when I’m gone, but the day I step off this Earth is the last time I can compound the memories. I don’t know how much time I have left, but I’ve been given a second chance—and I’m committed to making the most of it.”
Schedule a consultation today
If you need heart care, our team is ready to help. Call 337-284-8480 to schedule a consultation or visit lcmh.com/heart to learn more about what we have to offer.